Emotional Mastery
I teach people how to access the intelligence in their bodies and harness the transformational power of their emotions. The result is liberation…like living in a new paradigm.
You are already everything you to desire to be, express or receive from others. The flow, creativity and purpose you crave is on the other side of what blocks you from it.
The tricky part is that the transformation you seek is outside the jurisdiction of the mind. The mind just isn’t capable of answering your deepest questions or sourcing your truths.
Transformation is accessed through the body and through the alchemizing powers of our emotions. Our emotions will reveal all the answers if we only just trust and surrender to them.
Emotions are a potent evolutionary force. They are the language of the body and the portal to the power and wisdom it contains. The same power and wisdom that created life itself.
Emotions are our birthright, but we’ve lost connection with them. When you reclaim this power, emotions will return your true self back to you. They free you to live the life you know wants to be lived through you. They will change your life if you let them.
When you look Michelangelo’s masterpiece the Statue of David, you realize that Michelangelo’s genius was in chipping away everything that wasn’t David. His intention was to liberate David.
You are already a masterpiece. You are already enough. You already have the answers you seek to know and the purpose you want to live out. You are the art you seek to share with the world.
You don’t even need a plan, you are the plan.
You are the statue, and your emotions are the chisel. The process of chipping away is done by trusting and harnessing the intelligence of the body and the transformative power in your emotions.
I don’t have your answers, but I’ll teach you how to find them. I don’t know how dark your path will be, but I will walk next you and hold the flashlight. I don’t know your truth and purpose, but I will help you illuminate them. I don’t know your blockages, but I will help free you from them.